Corona is a terrible curse that is connected to the whole world. Money is fine but loss of life is very sad.The 2019–20 coronavirus epidemic was confirmed to have spread from China to India on 30 January 2020.In India, a population of 1.5 crore was engulfed in about 4 months, but gradually the infection of Covid 19 continued to grow and caused huge damage.
Talk about the year 2019, neither medicine works nor blessings. Only death and trouble increased in people.
Covid 19 This is a transition that devastated the econony of the whole world. The wages of the very big corporates, companies, traffic, shops and daily working laborers have all stopped. People have become lonely from the cities. .
There was a great hope in the people that some country would make a vaccine of Covid 19 and everyone would get rid of the corona virus, but it did not happen. A full 1 year passed but the vaccine was not produced.
Do not leave the public with corona infection. Doctors are not escaping. There is no room for corona patients in hospitals, beds of hospitals are getting low. Corona patients are full on all sides.
But one thing is certain, Corona has taught the people a lesson to stay away from dirt and pay special attention to cleanliness.
Corona has a lot of side effects in urban areas.
What to do if there is any difficulty, but the battle has to be fought with Corona, because you have to make every effort to stay alive.
After the whole year had passed, there was no hope of relief. People started getting separated from each other.
A lot of information related to corona has been told by experts, by following which we can feel safe.
What are the early symptoms of corona?
It is very easy to feel the symptoms of Covid 19, you have cough with fever, cold, sore throat, shortness of breath, body ache, weak smelling power, lack of taste, redness or pinkness in eyes, body ache Symptoms of Covid 19 are the symptoms of anything. All these symptoms are also caused by the change of weather, but apart from this you will have to undergo tests in hospitals to be satisfied.
Please find out where Covid 19 test is happening near you, go there and meet the current doctor and also tell your symptoms.
If the doctor’s report comes out positive then you will be given each Covid 19 treatment which is possible.
If you assume that you have Covid-19, unless the doctor decides another disease. This is applicable only to those cities, where the situation in Corona is appalling.
If there is any other disease, then be aware: If you have sugar disease, high blood pressure, kidney or any chronic heart disease, then you should become more alert. What is the benefit of corona examination when 95% of the people do not need any special treatment: If you are on the list of those 5% of unfortunate people and you do not have a report of corona then you will not be admitted to any Covid Center. Can. You will also not get life-saving medicines like injections of Remadecivir and the rest of the treatment will not be done in the manner that will be required. If you are admitted in General ICU, then you will distribute Corona Prasad to the serious patients present there.
What to do if you have an infection of Covid 19?
If the report of Covid 19 comes positive then don’t bother because your problem will disturb others.
You have to get away from contact with people first. You also need a mask, and people who talk to you from 2 yards away also need a mask. Otherwise, contact with each other spreads this symptom faster.
If you get a bed in the hospital, then the doctor will treat you from time to time.
What is RAT ?
RAT (rapid antigen test) – If your rapid antigen test is positive but you do not have the report, then you cannot be admitted to Covid 19 Hospital or Covid 19 Center.
On the day you feel the first symptom, note the date somewhere.
There will be a little trouble from that day.
RTVCR or RAT confirms that you are positive.
Early first week treatment of Covid 19 symptoms
How to handle your first week after Covid 19 symptoms ..
After Covid 19 symptoms, the disease continuously increases like a cancer is spread. The trouble with Covid 19 quadruples day and night.
Covid 19 can sit at home from the first day of symptom treatment. Corona begs a person suffering from 19 not to bring himself in contact with others. Cover yourself in the corner of the house.
√ TAB PARACETOMOL 500 MG– If you weigh less than 50 KG.
For those weighing more than 650 MG 50 KG, it can be taken thrice a day if required but at a specified time interval.
√ TAB ZINCOV-IT Take one tablet each morning and evening.
√ TAB Take vitamin C 500 MG tablets one morning and evening.
√ TAB Vitamin D (60000 IU) on the first day. This tablet is not for daily.
NOTE: – Take any medicine of Covid 19 treatment in consultation with a doctor.
Even after using all these medicines, there are some more important points.
√ Drink plenty of water or beverages (juices, etc.).
√ Please relax. So that the strength of the body remains.
√ Do whatever is your favorite food.
√ Do yoga and exercise but do not exhaust yourself.
√ Take medicine at the prescribed time.
√ Keep yourself clean and healthy.
If you pay attention from the beginning, then you will not have to face much trouble. Maybe you will get rid of the symptoms of Covid 19 soon.